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Sign Language Proficiency 

In high school, I took both ASL 1 and 2 and was taught by a Deaf teacher. Upon my time in high school, I also travelled to Gallaudet University, where I learned about the Deaf community and their language first hand. I continue to practice these skills and use them at my job as a hostess, and when volunteering at Give Kids the World in Orlando, Florida.


Italian Language Profeciency

At the University of Florida, I took Italian 1, 2, and Intermediate Italian with an average of 3.7 out of these three courses. I will be practicing my Italian skills this summer in Sorrento, as well as learning local lingo, accents, and culture. 


SPSS and Excel Training

In the Spring of 2021, I learned how to use both SPSS and Excel for my extensive research I completed in my psychology course. I took a 5 hour training course for SPSS and used both this and excel to analyze the data I collected and use it for my correlational study.


Peer Mediation

In the Fall of 2022, I became an RA for the University of Florida where I gained skills in Peer Mediation. Through speaking with residents of roommate conflicts, to managing crises, I am able to de-escalate situations and point people to the appropriate resources effectively. 

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