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I'm a student at the University of Florida Honors College impassioned by environmental justice and racism. I am currently working towards my BA in Environmental Science with hopes of attending Law School for Environmental Law.

Hello! My name is Corinne Griffin and I am a senior at the University of Florida Honors College, graduating in May 2024. I've always viewed myself as an "out of the box" thinker and person, and find that my wide-ranging interests and passions support this notion. My passion for travel and admiration for learning about different cultures and lifestyles has propelled me towards studying abroad this summer. I am pursuing a degree in Environmental Science with a focus on policy as well as a minor in Environmental Justice and Policy. I am interested in pursuing a career in Environmental Law. 


I love to hike and be outdoors, and am very active as I have played competitive volleyball my entire life. I play three instruments; piano, guitar, and bass, and have found that music is a language that transcends cultural differences. I also enjoy secondhand shopping and thrifting, as well as attending festivals and concerts. I find reading a lovely pastime as well, always carrying a book with me wherever I go. 

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