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IDS4956: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on the Bay of Naples

In this course, I learned about many different features of Sorrento, Naples, and Southern Italy in general. Some of these features include pop culture such as soccer or film, religious traditions, architecture, physical geography, art, history, cuisine, and Italian culture in general. The course was structured in a way that allowed pairs of students to focus on different aspects of Sorrento and Naples. My pair was assigned physical geography, which gave me amazing travel opportunities through the area. Through this, I learned about Mt. Vesuvius and Campi Flegrei; two powerful volcanoes that are responsible for the creation of Tufa, volcanic rock that the entire city of Sorrento (and Naples), is built upon. I visited Mt. Vesuvius and hiked the crater, seeing the site that people thousands of years ago watched in awe at its eruption. Another site I learned about here is Bagni di Regina Giovanna, an inlet about 45 minutes from my dormitory. This inlet was a vacation spot for Queen Giovanna of Naples in the 12th and 13th century, which is where it gets its name. A gorgeous Roman Villa once stood there, and is now an archeological site for individuals to explore. I went here and saw the massive cliffs, inlet, and archeological site. I also visited Naples with my class, and learned about the importance of Catholicism to the Italian people, as well as the rich history of conquering in the past, making Naples a mixing pot of of ethnicities and identities.  Overall, this course informed me of the extensive history, natural resources, and culture of Italy, while also allowing me to practice my Italian with locals. 

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